Welcome to SeeSprout!

Contact us here - info@seesprout.com


What is SeeSprout?

A SeeSprout account gives you a place to connect with your child and caregiver at any moment of the day.

Your SeeSprout account allows you and your caregiver to save pictures and videos, refer back to previous notes and reports, check last weeks reminders and notes. It's all those paper sheets you used to get from your care center in one place, at your finger tips, never to be lost!

SeeSprout's Mission

Our mission is to help parents and care centers stay connected. One of the hardest things to do in life is to drop your little sprout off at Daycare and head into work. One of the best times in the day is picking them up after a long day at work. What complicates this is all the paperwork parents get at the end of each day. How else are care centers supposed to manage this important information? This is the problem that we (David, Gary, and Patrick) set out to solve. We've created a place for parents and caregivers to connect, share, and save information. Now at any point a caregiver can post a note or reminder and the parent can see it right away. Pictures and videos can be shared and saved and those memories will never be lost. Stay connected to your child, stay connected to your care center.

Contact us here - info@seesprout.com