About Us


It is really hard to design products by focus groups. A lot of times, people don't know what they want until you show it to them.

Don’t get us wrong, we’ve done our homework. We have been working on this app for 5 years in multiple centers getting way too much input. We are now ready with the streamlined, reliable app that actually will help a center compliment their operation. Our app does what centers need, and does it well. With less than 5 taps of a screen, childcare workers can input info and get back to the kids.

David Bielejeski - Co-founder, Head of Engineering

A husband and a father of four, David solves the technical issues and makes the site work the way you want it.

He has over 8 years of experience in the technical world, building websites and applications for companies such as Logistics Health Inc., Best Buy, Target, Thomson Reuters and more.

Gary Keeler - Co-founder, Head of UX

Gary is a husband as well as our graphics designer. He provides all the assets for SeeSprout as well as creating a unique user experience.

He ensures everyone has an easy experience using SeeSprout.

Patrick Quillan - Head of Accounts

A father of three, Patrick is passionate about asking great questions and over-delivering for people. He always is looking to help, whether it is through the various ministries he volunteers for, or by running down one of his crazy kids. He knows that when people need help, they need it quickly. With years of preaching, teaching, and selling under his belt, he is well equipped to help you and your center get setup and on your way to help children grow.